Creating a study plan for the ASWB exam helps you stay organized, set clear goals, and ensure efficient and effective preparation. It allows you to allocate time for each topic, track your progress, and identify areas that require more attention. A study plan increases your chances of success by providing structure and focus to your study efforts.

A good study plan has these hallmarks:

      • Clear and specific goals, allowing you to track your progress and stay motivated.
      • Well-organized structure, dividing the content into manageable sections or topics.
      • The plan should consider your available time and resources, setting realistic study goals that you can accomplish within the given timeframe.
      • It should allocate sufficient time to cover all the necessary topics and domains, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the exam content.
      • A good study plan is flexible, allowing for adjustments and adaptations as needed, accommodating unexpected events or changes in priorities.
      • It should incorporate active learning techniques such as practice questions, quizzes, or discussions to enhance understanding and retention.
      • The plan should include regular review sessions to reinforce previously learned concepts and identify areas that need further practice.
      • A good study plan includes mechanisms to track your progress, such as self-assessment tests or periodic evaluations, allowing you to measure your improvement.
      • It should consider the importance of self-care by including breaks, rest days, and time for relaxation to prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being.

Your study plan should include these compents:

Assess Your Current Knowledge: Start by taking a practice test to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your efforts on areas that require more attention.

Establish a Study Schedule: Set aside dedicated study time each day or week that you are able. Create a schedule that suits your needs and allows you to cover all the necessary topics before the exam. Be realistic about the time you can commit, and ensure you have enough time to review and practice.

Set a Target: Determine the minimum score you want to achieve on practice tests (>70%) and on the licensing exam itself (generally around 70%). This gives you a specific goal to work towards and help you stay motivated throughout your preparation.

Break Down the Content: Divide the exam content into manageable sections and allocate time to study each one. The ASWB exam covers various domains, such as human development, diversity, assessment, intervention, ethics, and more. Assign specific study periods to cover each domain thoroughly.

Utilize Practice Questions: Incorporate practice questions from SWTP into your study plan. Practice questions are an excellent way to test your knowledge, familiarize yourself with the exam format, and identify areas where you need improvement. Aim to complete a set number of practice questions each day or week. A complete exam each weekend--with simulated exam conditions (4 hours, all at once)--with time for review during the week is a widely used approach. 

Review and Reinforce: Regularly review the topics you have studied to reinforce your understanding. Use study guides, flashcards, or other resources from to revise important concepts. Make sure to revisit the areas where you struggled during the diagnostic test to ensure progress.

Seek Clarification: If you come across challenging concepts or topics, use SWTP's suggested study links and other resources to deepen your understanding. support. Engaging with other students (maybe in a live or virtual study group) can help clarify doubts and gain additional insights.

Stay Consistent and Take Care of Yourself: Consistency is key when preparing for the ASWB exam. Stick to your study schedule as best you can and make sure to balance your study time with self-care activities. Getting enough rest, eating well, and taking breaks will contribute to your overall performance.

With this recipe, you'll be on your way to cooking up a sheet with that desired result: PASS. Let us know when that happens--we love to hear it.

Happy studying and good luck on the exam!

June 2, 2023
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