evan and olivia celebrating master's exam pass evan pass sheetFor those of you in the "picture or didn't happen" camp re Evan's note about passing the Master's exam, here's the photographic evidence--plus a picture of Evan celebrating with his girlfriend, Olivia.

Congratulations again, Evan! Way to go!

Congratulations to all recently licensed social workers. And congratulations in advance, reader, to you!

Sharing the good news of passing the ASWB exam can be really helpful to others. It's a big high-five moment that shows those still preparing that they can do it too. By sharing your good news, you give others automatic encouragement. It's like saying, "I did it. You can too. You got this!" 

Ready to get licensed (and maybe share your good news)? Get started with SWTP's practice exams by signing up!

January 30, 2017
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