alan passed the social work exam"I passed the LMSW exam on my first go around. Your test prep significantly helped me pass the exam!"

Congratulations, Alan!

The email goes on to say that Alan found SWTP practice tests harder than the actual test--a sure sign of being well-prepped. That judgment--which is more challenging, the practice or the real--is apparently completely subjective. Some people think the practice tests are a little bit easier than the ASWB exam. Some people think it's the other way around. Most people land in between--in the "just right" range. Not too hard, not too easy. Just an accurate and helpful way to prepare to pass the social work licensing exam.

What follows passing the exam? We don't hear back from people about that as much. But you can guess. Relief, maybe a promotion, and a general sense of forward motion in one's social work career. All worth working toward!

If you haven't gotten started preparing for the social work exam, now's the time.

Begin by selecting your exams here.

Happy studying and good luck with the exam!

September 18, 2017
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