flying colors"I took my exam and passed with flying colors! I needed 101 points to pass and I scored 121."

Congratulations, Janet, and all recently licensed social workers!

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We were curious about the origin of the term "with flying colors." Wikipedia answered:

The phrase originated in the Age of Discovery, when ships would return to port with their flags ("colours") either raised or lowered to signify that the ship had either been successful or defeated, with raised flags indicating success and lowered flags indicating defeat. Thus, "with flying colours" literally means that someone has completed a task, although idiomatically connotes particular success in that task.

Will that tidbit be on the exam? Not a chance.

But will the knowledge, skills, and abilities listed on the ASWB exam show up on the test? For sure. That's why SWTP exams carefully follow the ASWB content outlines. To be accurate and to get you ready for the real thing.

Here's hoping you pass--and with flying colors--soon!

December 27, 2016
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