dsm-5 practice exam launch DSM-5 will not appear on the social work licensing exam most places until July, 2015. In California--like with so many other things--it's different. DSM-5 based questions will show up on the exam administered by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences much sooner--December, 2014. Again, that's just California.

With that second date in mind, we've combed through our CA BBS Practice Exam and updated it with DSM-5 content. For people planning to take the California Standard Written Exam after December 1, 2014, this is the exam for you. (It's called CA BBS Practice Exam (DSM-5).)

For all others, continue to study with the existing exams. They ask DSM-IV-TR questions, which, up till July, '15, are what you need to be prepared. We'll be updating the rest of the exams in coming months. 

Whichever DSM you're studying and wherever you're taking the social work exam, good luck! 

August 27, 2014
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